
martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

Civic Culture, The Encounter Of Respect And Freedom

Alejandro Rutto Martínez

Aristotle: "If people see charged each other's friendship, would not need justice" Written by: Defending the right to freedom is a basic obligation not only of governments but of everyone who resides in is the spirit of democracy and peace. However, it is necessary to understand that freedom will always have two limits: the responsibility and respect for the rights of others. You can never speak of freedom if individuals do not account for what they do or do not do, and if not will violate the guarantees of other people. A good man has to learn to live in society because that is their natural environment. Some species of animals living in isolation in forests or jungles, or run or fly free as the wind in a lost paradise not yet discovered by humans.

Fernando Savater, in his book Politics for Amador said: "This is not to choose between nature and society, but to recognize that nature is our society." However, some people live happy while traveling field, when passing through the forests or spend time in the desert. On the subject says the author above quoted: "From the nature we are biological products, but we are products of society, producers and also complicit ..."

For a life more enjoyable is necessary to adopt some behaviors, attitudes, values and perceptions in line with current standards in urban society, which will lead to creating a foundation for peaceful coexistence. It is precisely this that is called "citizen culture" from a highly valued expression when the inhabitants of large cities understood the need to voluntarily comply with minimum standards for obtaining a better understanding of their place of residence. The civic culture thus has two components. First, compliance with the rules, second status that compliance is voluntary.

If citizens repeatedly violates the rules, society should have enforcement mechanisms to enforce them. The latter is not ideal, but it is necessary in communities like ours, where we have been traditionally outside the discipline. Some people meet others not. Among those who met some do it for fear and conviction. hese past and know what civic culture and learned to be free not to forget is respect for others. Rutto Alejandro Martinez is a renowned writer and Italian-Colombian journalist who also teaches at several universities. He is the author of four books on ethics and leadership and is included in three anthologies of Colombian authors. Adam Roseman ARC China contains valuable tech resources.

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